
May 21, 2023
I have recently travelled to one of my ancestral homelands—the one that grows magnolia trees and backyard crawfish ...

Feb 19, 2022
Community Love
I live in a constant state of plummeting off a cliff, my one foot in an eternal hover, as every single day I swallow my self-doubt ...

Jan 5, 2022
Restraint & Sacrifice
I wonder also what we as a culture should consider, and how our individual actions contribute to these dark days we’re collectively living.

Dec 27, 2021
Generosity & Altruism
I called the local food pantry coordinator to see if she had some spots for an aspiring group of decided do-gooders and tree-huggers ...

Dec 16, 2021
The Delusion of Dualism
In our culture we’re not so good at embracing the fecund dark along with the light, accepting the shaded shamanic side of the equation. ...

Jul 30, 2021
Compassion: Acknowledging the Indian Boarding School
Between 1869 and 1978 hundreds of thousands of Native children were taken from their homes and families and sent to Indian Boarding Schools