
Apr 30, 2021
It used to really bother me, the week of spring break, when I didn’t have the finances to pack up and take off like everybody else. ...

Jul 25, 2020
Connectivity & the Coronavirus
I have often said I wish the world would slow down so we could take a collective breath. It seems this is exactly what we’ve been given.

Oct 10, 2019
The Lost Art of Listening
Each of us only holds a tiny shard of truth. But when we put them together, the picture is more whole, more complete.

Aug 9, 2019
Solitude & Silence
Today I felt I was going to crawl out of my skin. So many people pulling on me. So many demands. So much attention to time. So little of it.

Jul 26, 2019
Singing the Creek Alive, Part 2
Contemplating our ecological role in environments around the planet inserts us back into the system, mends the ghastly rip modern society ..